Introduce yourself

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Introduce yourself

Post by maru »

Maybe nobody knows you. Maybe everybody does. Set the scene.

I'm maru. I'm 30, F, Montreal. I've made games, music, books, companies, fediverse instances, I guess forums now, I don't know. I see all of these as artistic projects in their own right. They begin and end for some broader purpose. They blossom into something and then fall away. Then, afterward, they frame life for me, in some sense. I organise my life by what I was making at the time...

I suppose I'm just interested in how interfaces create relationships between us and how they inordinately structure our minds. I always felt like we were doing implicit narration in how we provide content through alert prompts, text boxes ... but then over time I began to think of massive websites and always-on services as systems that themselves ask us to become something inside of them.

Anyway, I wonder sometimes if I can find the structure that creates my best self, brings out the best in everyone. Or if that's a futile effort. Maybe it is.

Lately I keep listening to the map music from Fire Emblem Fates.
We don't care what you say but we care what you do.
We’re the invisible entity that looks out for you.
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Post by JennyDog »

I'm da Jenny Dog.

I don't know how I'd define myself, but I guess I've slowly moved into the niche of being a systems programmer, even though I usually feel like I'm talking myself up and don't know anything there haha. I think to become more human I started doing pencil sketching, and an interest in general art, which I find balances me. I also do some technical writing on a blog sometimes. Outside of that, I like reading history and writing stuff. I think I'm the most happy with being a technologist when I can play at being someone's mentor, It's a good feeling.

I think I've made a bunch of choices that could've pushed me to different lives (my formal background is maths and linguistics), and so I keep trying to hold onto any strand of what that me could've been, which is sometimes fulfilling and sometimes sad and sometimes just won't hold down, but I still want to try.

My first social media was a PHP forum very similar to this, and it feels like a good homecoming. Once a friend deleted all of her social media, and we only talked over verbose emails. It was really good and I hope this can be like it.
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Post by Lapis »

I'm Lapis! I'm the blue girl who is blue. I write code for a living and sometimes also for fun. I love my friends and my communities and bad software and LEDs and stupid bullshit and the world and the people in it (including myself, though that's a more recent development). In my free time I talk to people online a lot and roller skate and set up and attend social events and try to be a good friend.

I've been living with my best friend for over a year now and it's been really wonderful for us both. I'm going to win a car in a bet this year and I'm feeling very smug about it. For a long time I was most widely known as a nerf arms dealer, but these days it's for being a minor local cryptid with my poi.

I'm also grieving a close friend I lost. It's been about 7 months. I'm mostly handling it okay, these days, but it's not easy. I miss her. I wish you could have met her.

I don't know how much I'll post here, but I wanted to give it a try.
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Post by suro »

hiii I'm suro :D

I'm 23F, I'm a PhD student in Glasgow. I like writing and I want to explore artistic expression in code and programming languages. I'm not a super experienced artist because I don't feel a creative impulse very often, so I usually consider myself more of an art appreciator. I try to do a lot of research and reading as well.

I'm still sorta learning life, going through the 'academic extended holiday' of not being beholden to a boss and being able to work at my pace, rather than destroying myself with a 9-5.

My work usually involves a lot of functional programming, reading papers on concurrent type systems, and designing these systems on paper. It's all very niche stuff that's difficult to talk about but I would love to try expand on it in an understandable and creative way!

In my spare time I work on my server, set up cute little services that let me get off of corporate clouds, play around with my little computer robot army.
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Post by watermoon »

a gamemaker, a songwriter, a speedrunner, a storyteller, a caretaker, a scholar,
a dandere, a detritus collector, a defender of the unloved and unjustly maligned,
a castrata, a broken instrument, a clouded prism, a flower that never bloomed,
a flame-point ragdoll, declawed and abandoned, searching for a place to call home,
a desperate soul who will travel to the ends of the earth if there exists a chance of finding connection on the other side…

<div align="right">Will you heal my spirit?
Will you grant my wish?</div>
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Post by in1tiate »

Hi I'm in1tiate. I'm a 22 year old (as of 2024) temporarily embarrassed software engineer based out of Texas. I have spent the last few years of my life as a lead client/server developer for the multiplayer visual novel style chatroom Attorney Online, and I've always had a love for creating games in unusual mediums. My first project ever was a text adventure game inspired by Zork when I was 13. My true calling is writing (especially for games), though I've never published anything.

In a past life I was an avid forumgoer, but as forums died out I stopped visiting them. Hoping to last a while here. :)
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"ᴄᴀᴛs, he said eventually. ᴄᴀᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ɴɪᴄᴇ.”
- Terry Pratchett, "Sourcery"
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Post by meri »

i like to take pictures when there is a good subject. i like when work ends for the day. i like thinking. i like the piano. im not good at it, but i like playing it. like stimulus. like tracing a shape with your finger. a puzzle you can't solve. i like collecting words, concepts, settings. i like weaving them into my stories. its become somewhat of my purpose in life, i think. i founded a company this year. i like taking the hard path, even if it scares me. i'm scared of the future, but i accept it. i don't think i exist. people scare me. i might be too old to think things like this, but people older than me usually say it's fine. i like thinking of myself as a small animal. i can drive, but i don't. i don't want to be taken care of.

you can maybe learn the rest in the future
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Post by emiflake »

hi im emi. living in amsterdam. i like to make music and weird code experiments. i work full-time in a tech startup. recently ive been trying to heal a bit, getting closer to my friends and hobbies. & picking up new ones. i collect cassettes and records, and own weird vintage audio gear. i'm studying stenography (<3 plover). i love playing quake and other such games.

one day i'll write here exclusively using plover, but not today. ^^ i hope to have a good time here and meet all of you.
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Post by chc4 »

I'm chc4 o/ 27M, I mostly do computer programming. I'm also into science fiction (my favorite author is William Gibson), magic: the gathering (I exclusively play Commander sorry), dungeons & dragons, and watching people play video games on YouTube and Twitch. I mostly listen to emo indie rock bullshit like Bright Eyes.

I'm not artistic or creative but like learning about new things a lot.
something's churning the earth / something's stirring the sky
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Post by hepatica »

good evening to all, im an aspirant that usually goes by the name 'hepatica' online, though my friends call me ada. at the moment im currently interested in computers and continental philosophy. my more specific interest in computers is communication with them, and how programming languages create a mode of thought. i suppose thats also because im a bit of a writer.

im often scared but the people around me make it better. each and every person on my friends list forms my raison d'etre. i want to meet everyone and experience everything, though thats a slow-going journey. i get closer everyday though.

everything is going to work out!
<!--QuoteBegin-Georges Bataille in Erotism+--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Georges Bataille in Erotism)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Our only real pleasure is to squander our resources to no purpose.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><!--QuoteEEnd-->
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Post by rakuen02 »

hi im damien :) im a lil girl guy something. i spend my time working on my car or playing video games. i hope one day i will find true love!
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Post by pleiades »

Hiya! I'm Hado or Sam. I like to draw and find cool music and comics in the wild. As you can tell from my name I love astronomy! My dream is to make lots of cool creative stuff inspired by astronomy. Especially constellations!
I am bad at socializing but the last few years I've been trying to change that so I hope we can get along and maybe become friends. -_-
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Post by spellbook of fate »

hi. a bunch of you already know me elsewhere as @flower_of_edo/claire/etc but some of you probably dont. im claire. im 32 and i live in arizona. i like being a scamp online and playing games, reading literature and things like that. im not always great at keeping up with all my hobbies but i try. lets all have fun!
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Post by Anthonyjay013 »

When god sent me to beg, he sent me to a place of undeniable spite where all things cease and also continue to be. You cannot even begin to understand the texture of this place, the way it feels in your hands when it is all you have to touch, or the way it tastes when you have to eat.

I’m other news, I’m AJ and I was told to make an introduction. I like social science, politics, and communications as an applied professional bureaucratic hellscape thing.
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Post by sinku »

Hi all, im sinku aka sinkuchan but my name is simone. 24f. i love techno and jazz and post-hardcore and experimental music. i love old computers and software and languages and (computing) history. i love all my friends.

my site on @ ~brainfunnel hosts a few blog posts, but they are nothing interesting (yet).

ive written a few programs, released some albums, made some mods for Doom II and contributed to my favorite doom sourceport.
are the party rockers in the room with us right now?
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