Computer Love

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Computer Love

Post by maru »

I poked a bit about this in the minimalism thread — but I have a problem. I'm starting to get really into collecting computers.

Why? I think so many of them are pretty, so many of them are inexpensive, so many of them are capable of very specific things, so many of them can do great things with the right constraints. And I have started to believe more strongly in purpose-specific hardware over the past year. I carry a 3DS with me, an e-reader, etc. etc. Instead of aiming for the tools around me to do everything well enough, I tend to pick out what I want to bring with me places based on what I see myself doing or needing done. And then I keep them doing those specific things.

And why does that matter? Um. Hmm. Have you ever seen "Recovery of an MMO Junkie"? It's a super cute, super sweet 12-episode anime where a girl burns out from her job and goes back to being a NEET playing MMOs and she crossplays as a guy and I guess I'm not sure what spoilers are for the series anymore, but she goes to someone's house and the first thing she sees is his keyboard and thinks, "oh my god. This is the keyboard you use to play the MMO. This is the actual one." Like seeing something intimate, seeing a part of his naked body.

Computers are appliances. But we also choose them to extend ourselves. I think computers and hardware are a form of self-expression, but then on top of that, that multiplies outward: they enable us to do different things really well, or only somewhat well, or extraordinarily well. You configure macros and aliases. You pick the right specs. You get the goddamn Sound Blaster card. The personal computer magnifies an emanation of a person, from a pure impulse to an entire world. I believe strongly in the caves.

What computers?

Well, here's my current slate:
  • keina is my Mac. It's an M1 Pro, 16". I received it as a work computer and bought it back when I left. I at the time was skeptical of huge machines (I had been using an Air for a while, and really liked it), but I started to come to love the feeling of having this huge deck, this control panel-ass experience with me. I use it at home when I'm doing my job; when I'm working on music (Logic Pro); when I am doing graphics work (Photoshop + Pixelmator both!). When I'm on the road, I'll bring keina if I see myself even kinda possibly having to do work, if I see myself wanting to watch a movie with a friend (best display and speakers I have), etc.
  • satsuki is my gaming laptop. It's a pink Razer Blade 14, running Windows 11 Pro, with a nice 3070 Ti in it. It's super light; it's got a great OLED on it; it's basically my fun machine. The downside? The battery life is, like, sub-2 hours. It seriously bugs me! So much so that I question whether I can bring it with me when I travel, even though it's lighter than the Mac and pretty to look at. keina lasts literally two full workdays in a row without needing to be charged, no matter what I seem to be doing. I can charge satsuki with a USB-C cable, but if I'm going to be gaming, then I'll probably need to bring the actual 85W power cable, which is another downside for travel (since I try to bring a single USB-C cable for all my devices and just top them up as they need it). I also just have yet to want to play PC games when I travel. I usually bring the Steam Deck if that's what I want to be doing, so satsuki is essentially a glorified home machine. I considered selling her off (they still sell for like, $3000 on eBay just for the colour, I think — they don't make them in pink anymore) and building out the perfect AMD+Wayland VRR NixOS gaming desktop, but then I decided against it. I had satsuki already. She is essentially a collector's item. She plays everything I need perfectly. She makes me feel relaxed.
  • MINICROSS is the home server. It's a Mac mini M1 that I bought back in Vancouver when I sold off my old 2017 iMac (MACROSS8299) that was in the closet, serving as the server before her. It had bard running on it, when I ran bard for my old Discord server. It has, like, 16TB of space (just the same 8TB drive mirrored, honestly) for watching movies and anime at home. It is also a backup space for old stuff like university papers or mirroring my music library.
  • yomiko tsubasa is the old satsuki. In like, April, I just went out and bought a brand new Thinkpad X1 because I was having a crisis. When I'm setting up computers, when I'm getting an environment just right, when I'm learning something new about how they work, when I enable possibilities and sort out issues — I feel really calm. And I really needed some space where I could do that, to chill out. I thought that I would replace keina with her as my main computer of choice. She's tiny, has decent battery life (like, 11 hours?), is plenty capable. I got NixOS going on her; I got a nice config; I got everything down pat where she could do everything keina could. But as hardware, keina was simply better? If I was watching videos, I would prefer that screen. If I was listening to anything, keina had a nicer experience. I gave her to the CEO of our company as company property, and I recently recalled it. I think that I want yomiko to be the "fun machine" for travel, like satsuki but a bit more capable of holding a charge, since I care more about doing low-demand things on longer battery than playing, like, Code Vein at 165Hz, when I'm on a train for 6 hours.

Past and present

So I've had this disease before. I actually bought a Pinebook Pro when I was burning out at my job in 2020ish. I decided I would go for Arch Linux, since I hadn't worked with it before, and I got Sway going, got it to the point where everything was set, but it was severely limited. It is low-spec enough that Chrome is just not tenable, so we're talking no Electron apps, no application-specific web browsing, nothing but like, Dillo. I ran Midori when it was still a nice Webkit wrapper (I think they changed codebase now). I was also just frustrated with it; Wayland and X didn't seem to share a clipboard so I couldn't reliably move data around and having this Pinebook for just using vim seemed like too limited of a use case for me. I just gave it away when someone asked for it.

This past week, I was visiting my folks and my sister showed me this Thinkpad T500 she was using in high school. Using with an asterisk — it had, like, two one-paragraph reflection responses and then otherwise was untouched. She said it was similar now with her college laptop; she just doesn't use computers. No one at my parents house does. Just, you know, phone and iPad.

So, here's the thing: it's 15.6" inches, 4:3 screen, running a Core 2 Duo and 2GB RAM on Windows Vista Business. It is quintessential, like, 2006-2008 business computer. It's heavy as fuck, it has a pre-IPS screen. But it had Chrome on it, and would you look at that? Chrome ran decently enough. "Can run Chrome" is actually a decent litmus test for whether you need to stick it in an era or whether you can try to utilise it for the current world, just, you know, sparingly. That's a total bummer.

I went to a computer store around the corner and got it a 120gb ssd, replaced the RAM and brought it to 8GB. Decided I would try out Void Linux and IceWM, and keep the idle RAM at, like, 280MB. Thus we get tsubasa.

I've been using BadWolf on it as a web browser which runs real fast (but keeps JS off by default and wipes cookies every launch, which honestly pisses me off!) ... but I'm not sure what the best utility is for it. I think it's a good boomer computer — a mid-2000s, mid-range machine with some cheats enabled, called "an SSD and like 4x the RAM that's normal."

It's effectively a great computer for playing 90s and early 00s games on an era-appropriate display (tons of stuff will look weird on a 4K display), and hey, Diablo 1 runs at a rock-solid 60fps on Void. But it severely limits compatibility using Void — Steam won't launch, for some godforsaken reason — and I've been wondering if I should try a more standard distro for better compatibility with Lutris et al. Or, god forbid, like, Windows XP! If you use XP then you can't go online or really use Steam or whatever. I just don't want to be stuck digging up GOG installers for games on an ad hoc basis.

I think she can handle Steam in no browser mode, and I think all old games are gonna function great under Proton. (The test comes when we try Guild Wars 1, which also won't work on Void, which is just simply unacceptable).

Anyway, so that is my special interest thread. What about you? Do you have this illness?
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Re: Computer Love

Post by Pogckets »

Anyway, so that is my special interest thread. What about you? Do you have this illness?
Have kept many old computers as time capsules. The farthest I got with Linux was Ubuntu on a netbook I once left on top of a car before driving away. So there’s that machine somewhere (it still works), a heavy gaming laptop I bought used off a Dubstep DJ, a laptop handed down from a family member’s job, a tablet/laptop hybrid which performs remarkably well and a custom tower which I bought used from a close friend at a stellar discount.

I wonder what the statistics are for people who own computers nowadays. Wouldn’t want to live without one, too much fun.

Enjoyed reading your post.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by Pogckets »

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Want to visit Akihabara and see street vendor computer parts
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Re: Computer Love

Post by watermoon »

oh i'm glad someone else is in the camp of seeing computers as a means of personal expression… honestly that's a really big part of why i find computers enjoyable and it has been for a while… ever since i learned how to enable the dock suck effect in os x tiger honestly.

but there's a certain comfiness that comes with setting everything up in a way that just feels right for you, and i've done a lot of searching over the years to figure out what feels right for myself – bit by bit, piece by piece. sometimes i worry that the more i pursue this goal the more idiosyncratic i'll become, but i also think i passed the point of normalcy a decade ago. i guess now i think about it as akin to how custom-tailored clothes will always fit yourself better than they could anyone else, and if you had the choice, wouldn't you rather wear something that fits you perfectly than something that'll do a roughly good job fitting everyone who is shaped approximately like yourself?

and then you fall in love with using vi editing on dvorak but with the movement keys rebound from hjkl to ehtu because everything needs to feel Right.

in the sake of not boring everyone i'll just write about the few that seem the most important:

kumatora: kvm build, daily driver
Birthdate: September 1, 2020

back when navi (see below) was becoming just a bit too outdated to be usable, i started thinking about what i wanted my next daily computer to be, with my only guideline being that i wanted to dump a bunch of money into something that'd last me a while. the two options i came to were to either spend $3,000 speccing out a pretty decent mac, or to take that same amount of money and make the most overbuilt linux pc i could with the budget. my only hangup with going that route was the risk of being alienated from my creative tools, but once i was told that it was possible to run windows in virtual machine on linux at near-native speeds, i guess my heart was set.

enter kumatora: a machine built to do everything i'd ever want to do. she's got power, she's got grace, she's got two intentionally-mismatched gpus and slightly-broken rgb. and i love her, truly.

kuma originally ran gentoo up until this year, because gentoo charmed me and i thought that it would make it easier to set up virtualization… plus the fact that you emerge packages into the system tickled my aesthetic sensibilities. i also used to be really into trying out different virtual machine configurations, but the only vms that now see regular use are a local server, a windows 10 install that ostensibly was for gaming and music production and now mostly gets booted up for zoom meetings, and a super secret encrypted vm that was originally designed for doing sick and twisted shit but then i couldn't think of any sick and twisted shit i actually wanted to do so it's now just an anime seedbox.

eventually, after a couple years of broken dependencies piling up, i decided that gentoo was just too much work to upkeep for little return. it finally hit me that the operating system bell curve meme is less about what your operating system says about your iq and more about how much iq you want to put into using the operating system, and i'd rather spend my iq on other things these days. so i switched to fedora, since that was the distro i'd clicked with most in my vm hopping, and it's since given me 10% of the trouble that gentoo ever gave me.

maybe the big thing i learned from all this is that i tend to gravitate toward the tools that are available to me. like, i tried so hard to get back into music production on windows, but the friction involved with booting up the vm, logging in, starting the program, redirecting asio, etc. was just enough to discourage me; meanwhile, furnace is something i can boot up and jump into within seconds, and while the chiptunes i make aren't "as good" as what i'd be able to make with a proper daw, it feels a lot easier to break past my blank canvas syndrome with it. i also haven't played many games at all on the windows side either, which makes me slightly regret cheaping out on the amd gpu that runs on the linux side…

isidol: nas build
Birthdate: December 11, 2023

i'd been memeing about wanting a nas for years, but never quite felt like my storage needs were enough to justify getting one. however, once kuma's 6tb storage drive was getting dangerously close to full, i decided to pull the trigger.

i couldn't find a good off-the-shelf option that had enough drive bays to give me both the capacity and redundancy i wanted, had decent specs, and didn't cost an unreasonable amount. so i just looked into building one myself. when researching for the build, i heard about the jonsbo n2 case which looked alright and has a five-drive bay, and then once i started speccing out a potential build for the n2 they released the n3 which has an eight-drive bay, and at that point my fate was sealed.

60tb usable (8x10tb with double parity), 32gb ram, a core i5 for some reason… it's seriously overbuilt, but i was always bad at half-measures. plus the extra processing power means that i could use it to run services and play pretend at my dream of running the polycule intranet, except the polycule dream is dead and my roommates have no interest in any of this stuff anyway. but it's still ok to dream, right?

so now isie and kuma have become a symbiotic pair, bound together by a handful of nfs mounts. i have a domain that i have hairpinned to the nas, i have some services that i run but rarely use because it's easier to just pull up videos on my computer than find them in jellyfin, i fall asleep every night to blinkenlights and the chunk-chunk of eight hard drives spinning, god's in his heaven, all's right with the world.

navi: hackintosh build, former daily
Birthdate: December 30, 2015

after my previous computer (a mac pro named iji) began to be too outdated for regular use, with it stuck on like 10.6, i decided to invest in something new. since i had only really used macs, i planned on getting another mac, but since i also was living off $21k a year at the time, i decided to save a little money and build a hackintosh instead.
the final build came out to be about $850 for specs equivalent to a decently-built imac at the time, and even though getting it to boot the first time was a nightmare, it eventually stabilized and became only a little janky to use.

since a lot of my music work was done on it – a lot of which will only render properly on it – i plan to keep it around as a kind of archival pc. but i still am able to get some use out of it every so often: as a cd ripper, as a computer to do mac things on that are harder to do on other operating systems (like merge pdfs), and mostly as a stepmania box. though even there, the only modernish version of stepmania that runs well on it (or runs at all!) is outfox.

foxdreamer: ibook g4, donated oct 2021

my roommate's dad works in IT, and one of the perks is that he gets to take home his organization's retired computers every so often, which means i get asked every so often if i want to take one of them off his hands, and i usually end up agreeing.

but this era of design was so comfy!! it's such a nice and chunky size on my lap, early os x is cute to use, and i dunno it brings me joy. i only wish i could figure out a good use for it… writing? simple stuff with milkytracker? it is able to natively run KDX which, if we're talking about the capability for software to shape virtual spaces, this inspires feelings in me.

misty: sony vaio pcv-1154, donated may 2021

ok this machine is theoretically really cool. i mostly associated the vaio series with its notebooks, but this one was designed to be a desktop multimedia pc. it has both a dvd reader and a separate dvd writer built in, inputs for a whole bunch of memory card formats, multiple av outs – all in a layered case that reminds me vaguely of the x68000. which makes it feel rare and cool!… despite being a windows pc.

when i got it, it had been upgraded to windows 7 (?!) and having a tough time with it, so that would need to go. a few weeks later, while netdoll was over at my apartment, we decided to see if we could do anything fun with this machine. our first thought was to put haiku on it, but we couldn't make it past the bootloader. we tried a few other operating systems, but none of them seemed to take either (even netbsd, which is supposed to run on anything, right?). as a last-ditch effort, we tried openbsd, and for some reason that one managed to boot and install to a workable desktop.

it currently sits unused, and i think one of the fans disconnected itself when i moved it to where i live now, so i'd need to look into that…

despite all the computers i have, i still want more, but maybe that's just because i (also) have this particular sickness. like, i think it'd be nice to have a more modern laptop, so i can work on stuff while in my bed (soft, accidentally fall asleep easily) rather than in my chair (less comfortable or ergonomic than i hoped when i bought it), but it's also not a very high priority for me. i also kinda want a pc-9821, because i enjoy writing for the soundchip and i'd love to move my life more in that direction, but i honestly wouldn't know where to put it nor would i have the skills to upkeep it.
maru wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:42 pm And why does that matter? Um. Hmm. Have you ever seen "Recovery of an MMO Junkie"? It's a super cute, super sweet 12-episode anime where a girl burns out from her job and goes back to being a NEET playing MMOs and she crossplays as a guy and I guess I'm not sure what spoilers are for the series anymore, but she goes to someone's house and the first thing she sees is his keyboard and thinks, "oh my god. This is the keyboard you use to play the MMO. This is the actual one." Like seeing something intimate, seeing a part of his naked body.
oh god i watched that one! i found it equal parts cute (the premise), idyllic (the guild and the dream of having an online nakama), and frustrating (the romance between two incredibly passive individuals). still, i enjoyed it and i'll be cheering sakurai on in her eventual transition.

i don't know if i get the same thrall over seeing the exact hardware that someone else uses, but i do have a fascination in just seeing how people configure their desktops. like, one of my favorite places to browse through is the gallery, since it's been running since 1999 and has now become a time capsule of deliberately-chosen configurations. (r/unixporn might be another analogue, though that one coalesced around a defined aesthetic and has remained that way for years).

but, in the spirit of sharing the personal experience with my personal computers, i minds well upload a pic or two? i might bump the desktop thread with some pictures on the software side, but on the hardware side…

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i've been told that my bedroom is "a vibe," though that word always felt too polysemous to place much faith in. my dream is to make this into a cozy place – a pastel sanctuary reserved for the pure of heart – but i could also see others reading it as the sort of place where a girl with glasses and frizzy hair is going to tell you more than you ever wanted to know about some dance dance revolution knockoff you've never in your life heard of.
which is harsh, but true, and while you're here let me tell you about a rhythm game called "in the groove 2"—

the second is a closer look at the goods: kuma, isie, and my UPS down below.

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were i smart i would've dusted all this beforehand, but i'm running on the conviction that capturing the experience is the most important facet of this endeavor.
were i smart i also wouldn't put them so close to each other either, since the heat from one is just going right into the other, but space is kind of at a premium here and i've yet to think of a better solution.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by maru »

Watermoon!! Your workstation is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

What struck me is how much you work with desktops. I literally haven't owned a desktop since 2006. I feel like I was always on the road, always needing to be ready to move. But fine, here's some photos of my dim little parlour (I seriously need more ambient lighting in here).
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That's satsuki and keina. I move the cables from machine to machine when I go from fun mode to work mode and back. Probably should just buy a kvm already.

I don't really like working here. I don't know what it is. It's just not enjoyable. It's not aesthetic. It's like this mess of wires and monitors that I can't seem to get to feel Right. I think if I were smarter, I would go far more basic, with a single desktop and perfect cable management and a monitor sitting on a goddamn stand, for crying out loud.

satsuki too was a very unwise purchase, but she is truly the nicest, pinkest, sleekest little laptop I could ask for. I think she is truly my favourite, even if I need to use the Mac to make anything right now (and am too scared to change my workflow as of yet...)
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I just discovered that tsubasa cannot run Guild Wars 1 any faster than, like, 5 FPS. Needs a ... ATI Radeon 9000 at minimum and we're running the HD 3650. Should be better? And yet, and yet, and yet. This seriously bums me out! GW1 is not a game I have had to consider "high-end" for a while now! And she can do everything in Chromium just fine without a hitch, so wtf.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by watermoon »

awwwww~ though that's interesting, since i haven't actively used a laptop since undergrad. though maybe that's partially a reflection of having a more homebody (hikki) lifestyle and partially because i see laptops as more fragile. there are so many things that can do them in, and they're harder to repair if something does happen to them. it's maybe related to the reason why i've been averse to spending more than a few hundred dollars on a phone: the only one i've had that has made it past the three-year mark is the one i have right now; all of the others have met unfortunate ends before that point.

i do think that what you have is nice, and i like the arrangement of screens here, so maybe it's just a matter of determining your priorities and deciding which direction you'd want to move toward. have you seen any other workstations you'd like to have, or even rooms?
personally, i prefer having things a bit cluttery, even to the point of being boxed in by it. and i see rooms like this and are enamored with them. but what i find comfy another would find claustrophobic, and there are plenty of nice aesthetics to be found by going in a more minimal direction.

i also like looking through pcpartpicker's completed builds page every so often to see how people have laid out their spaces. they tend to aesthetically lean more in the battlestation direction, but some fun ones still pop up every so often.

and i support you having a pretty pink laptop. you deserve to have a pretty pink laptop!
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Re: Computer Love

Post by JennyDog »

I adore y'all having names and a naming scheme for your computers! It's so sweet.

For a while I named my standalone Linux boxes after planets in Ursula K Leguin's Hainish cycle, but now I just have "the computer I'm using" and some old ones.

Current one is a Thinkpad GenL4 running Win11,and my older Thinkpad X230 (I adore it but the size was kind of awk). They have been Properly Stickered but otherwise I don't treat them as much as love you all do.

I've never actually owned a normal desktop tower setup -- my family was well off enough I always had a laptop, aside from my dads old PC tower that had DOS and a refurbished tower that my former roommate gave me (donated from her ex's family), which I named anarres/urras. I gifted it to my sister after hers died, but she ended up not using and relied on a laptop as well, I told her she should keep it in case she ever needs it but I won't lie I miss it, I learned Linux on it with arch as a headless server and then I put in a wifi card and was able to use it as a workstation, it and my X230 I have a lot of nostalgia for it

Also yeah, Watermoon you have a gorgeous room and setup. I'm sitting here kind of in awe of it.

I can post photos of my sticker'd laptops later if I can figure out a good place to upload them.
On the topic of computers having singular purposes -- apparently Kindle as a platform used to allow "apps", but later removed it. A hobbyist developer talked about this choice (to really cut down Kindle, or at least the Paperwhite ereader ones that aren't focusing on being general purposes tablets) as Kindle as being a very successfully "pure" platform. I think with the internet becoming defined by big social media spaces that encourage (by design or by nature) lots of eternal scrolling, it also means general purpose device can kinda feel like the same general attention trap.

One of my friends has been getting into modding iPods (which are now discontinued!!) and using that to try to log off while still being able to listen to music, although any modern iPod probably has a browser and apps. Given how much minification has worked, having several bespoke little computers for each purpose (reading, gaming, music) honestly could kind of work.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by maru »

JennyDog wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:21 pm I can post photos of my sticker'd laptops later if I can figure out a good place to upload them.
You can just upload anything here. It's under the full post editor. We have tons of disk space.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by maru »

Watermoon inspired me to really clean up my space. I got a KVM and some more lighting and simplified the display.

I was seeing if I could sell off satsuki the past few days, but given little attention I'd rather just hang onto her. Use her until I can't! One day I'll have no choice but to build an insanely overpowered Linux desktop.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by watermoon »

JennyDog wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:21 pm I adore y'all having names and a naming scheme for your computers! It's so sweet.

For a while I named my standalone Linux boxes after planets in Ursula K Leguin's Hainish cycle, but now I just have "the computer I'm using" and some old ones.
it's a nice little peek into someone's personality, right? plus it's fun to anthropomorphize these nightmare boxes, and i can admire people who have a set nomenclature for how they name their computers.

though my naming scheme is a lot more freeform and contains stuff like "powerful girl i wish i could kiss," "girl with cool name from novel i really like," "powerful girl i wish i could kiss," "person who left a very sweet comment on a dumb video i made," "admission that i wish i were lain irl," "period-appropriate waifu," "star trek reference but the computer came with the name when i got it and who am i to change that."
maru wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:21 pm Watermoon inspired me to really clean up my space. I got a KVM and some more lighting and simplified the display.

I was seeing if I could sell off satsuki the past few days, but given little attention I'd rather just hang onto her. Use her until I can't! One day I'll have no choice but to build an insanely overpowered Linux desktop.
that looks really nice!! also shoutouts to tigermilk; definitely one of the more stylish b&s covers (though really a lot of theirs are).

i've been going back and forth as to how much i want to make framed lp covers a part of my interior design taste. like, part of me feels like a poser for doing so, because i'm much more partial to cd collecting than lps… but also you can't show off jewel cases in quite the same way. so right now i only have a few.

…it also doesn't help that my taste for records that i like both the music and the cover of range from pretty expensive to downright unobtainium
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Re: Computer Love

Post by maru »

watermoon wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:54 am it's a nice little peek into someone's personality, right? plus it's fun to anthropomorphize these nightmare boxes, and i can admire people who have a set nomenclature for how they name their computers.

though my naming scheme is a lot more freeform and contains stuff like "powerful girl i wish i could kiss," "girl with cool name from novel i really like," "powerful girl i wish i could kiss," "person who left a very sweet comment on a dumb video i made," "admission that i wish i were lain irl," "period-appropriate waifu," "star trek reference but the computer came with the name when i got it and who am i to change that."
I don't even know where my pattern came from. It started in the winter this year -- previously my two computers were "dust" and "quartz" and when I started using my Windows machine instead, satsuki just felt like a good name. I just like the way the name sounds. I looked up twin names that match it and got keina. Then I started picking Japanese names to fit the era. I think my previous names were iMACROSS82-99 for the iMac and then before that, napstabook for my old MacBook Pro (2011 vintage). The Windows laptops of my college years and earlier I can't tell you. I probably did name them.

I spent a weird amount of time today OS hopping to play around on various computers. The good news is, I'm not as destructive as I used to be. Instead of just willy-nilly formatting perfectly working computers I try out an OS on a separate drive now.

I was trying out the Pop! OS alpha on satsuki but that one couldn't even render to my external monitor. Then when I tried Fedora the same thing happened -- I came to the conclusion this is some Optimus hijinks and disabled the internal GPU (since the external HDMI port is hooked directly to the dGPU on this laptop). Then everything worked. Even my game sync issues in the past were no more. So, use discrete card only and everyone loves you. But that feels like a weird tradeoff to make! I still feel fundamentally like this machine performs best under Windows, so here I am.

Tsubasa I had to rewipe anyway -- I was trying Vista a bit, but I couldn't get past the "Please wait..." on the install on two separate ISOs... I have it on Windows 10 LTSC with Ultimate Windows Tweaker additions for low-spec PCs and it actually performs really nicely now. Pale Moon sits at like 250mb RAM, the whole system in basic use around 2.2GB, with an 8GB total means that it has a healthy amount of pressure and all games mid-2000s or so run at 60 FPS flat on a nice big 4:3 TN. Yay!
20240810_171213.jpg (1.8 MiB) Viewed 2039 times
(I have her prefetching the rest of the maps from GW1...)
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Re: Computer Love

Post by JennyDog »

Got the files uploaded!

Here's my new one.
jenny-dog-laptop-new.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 2015 times
and my old one, it hasn't had as much sticker glory to it:
jenny-dog-laptop-old.png (1.36 MiB) Viewed 2015 times
I actually did most of the sticker decorations at the same time, I went from being a zero sticker gal to a maximalist sticker gal. I'm keeping some spare space on them in case something special comes up.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by maru »

So, some recent updates on my nerd shit.

- Decided to rename yomiko to tsubasa because with Fedora on her instead of NixOS, she's amazing. She's my wings. She's a total joy to use. I can't really get all the creative stuff I want so far, but I'm figuring it out.

Since she's gone from "close but not quite" to "my favourite," I migrated some stickers and applied my remaining ones.
20240823_134048.jpg (1.01 MiB) Viewed 187 times
This also left the former tsubasa unnamed and without purpose. Tsubasa Mark 2 is less than 2 pounds and gorgeous to look at. Tsubasa Mark 1 needs a purpose. So I was playing around with 9front and all — I think I might try FreeBSD and treat it as my experimentation computer. Maybe she really is yomiko, then?

Otherwise, I've been playing with Tailscale and it's really cool. Suddenly I can have a personal network I access anywhere I go. Like it's not all perfect — I can't get huge media shares over SMB working flawless — but I can serve myself basic apps built on databases. I can keep central storage for most normal-sized-files at home and synchronise it as I like. My big win here was using Immich instead of Apple Photos or the like. Finally, something cross-platform, something smooth and nice to use. I was playing with Hydrus, but am settling with Shimmie2.
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 12.10.50 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 12.10.50 AM.png (655 KiB) Viewed 187 times
Collect photos from the internet? Well, now I just need some sort of browser extension using the Danbooru API to help tag things as I save them. And for them to symlink themselves into a wallpaper rotation folder as they come in... but hell, I can do that now! Everything is UNIX! Nothing is just "write it into a Node server" or whatever! Shimmie2 is a PHP deploy using 0% of my CPU!

I've been talking to friends about their burgeoning projects and it's all experimental computers. I think this sort of tinkerer mindset has me going down the right path.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by watermoon »

maru wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:13 am Otherwise, I've been playing with Tailscale and it's really cool. Suddenly I can have a personal network I access anywhere I go. Like it's not all perfect — I can't get huge media shares over SMB working flawless — but I can serve myself basic apps built on databases. I can keep central storage for most normal-sized-files at home and synchronise it as I like. My big win here was using Immich instead of Apple Photos or the like. Finally, something cross-platform, something smooth and nice to use. I was playing with Hydrus, but am settling with Shimmie2.

Collect photos from the internet? Well, now I just need some sort of browser extension using the Danbooru API to help tag things as I save them. And for them to symlink themselves into a wallpaper rotation folder as they come in... but hell, I can do that now! Everything is UNIX! Nothing is just "write it into a Node server" or whatever! Shimmie2 is a PHP deploy using 0% of my CPU!
i'm glad you found a booru that clicks with you! when i tried out something like that years ago (though i forget what i used), i remember both uploading and tagging to be a real pain, but it sounds like you've found a way to handle both of those.

i'm also a bit jealous of all the stickers you both have put on your laptops… i wish i could be into stickers, but it feels so… permanent.
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Re: Computer Love

Post by JennyDog »

Woah that's awesome! it's cool seeing stuff being setup and working like this :)

I feel like stickers are like tattoos supposedly are -- I never used stickers, until one day i bought like $40 worth of stickers and decorated two laptops. then i've left room for more significant, neat or cute ones.
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