Waifu/husbando exchange thread

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Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by musicvivireal »

do you have any characters that you obsess about and would remain with till death do you part? are you looking for new ones to swoon over and search fanfiction about? share either of these things in this thread!

one of the characters i really like is marceline from adventure time yes i love alt girls yes i am an npc spare me. i am paying for this generic pick every day with the fact that the other archetype i like is almost non existent. i REALLY like femme girls that are pursuers/tops and total charmers, yet fun and not stuck up or serious...

.for some reason this holy quadfecta barely exists. a lot of media has domineering femme fatalles and senpai archetypes but those women are always way too serious and old and unrelatable to. or the girl is young and fun, but shes neither charming or pursuing, but always the one being pursued. or you can have the fun, charming, girl but then shes usually too butch, its so unfair....

the only character i can think of that check all of the boxes kinda are like the beauty from lady killer in a bind,
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ezekiel from "seraphim slum", a vn pretty much no one knows abt,
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and makima from chainsaw man, with whom it sounds like i have struck gold since the series is so popular rn but like isnt she kinda evil? idk havent gotten past the anime in terms of lore yet and she already was kinda fucked up in that one
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what are ur guys waifus and husbandos? and does anyone have any recs 4 me in terms of media with characters i might also like?
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by musicvivireal »

if this genderbent version of ryoji existed in the persona 3 remake i would kill myself instantly she is all i ever could ask for...why isn;t she real....
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by watermoon »

finally!… the thread we've all been waiting for but have been too cowardly to make…

fujiyoshi harumi

i think i fell for her around when i learned about the concept of waifus and decided that i needed to have one too. and since i was watching zetsubou sensei at the time, well, i guess i minds well pick someone from that show, huh? but i do really like her, though perhaps less as a dream girl so much as a very realistic romance option. for some reason i wrote a bunch about this back in 2016, when i was listening to her song in the zetsubou sensei character song album.
i think the thing which separates me from actual real-deal otaku is that the only anime character i would be willing and ready to immediately take as waifu is harumi fujiyoshi. i think i took the bait.

because, like, you can tell that kumeta really wanted people to go in on harumi. when she isn't nerding out she's one of the few voices of reason on this show (abiru might be in the same boat here), and her teacher crush has low valence and is only actualized either a) in plot-mandated moments where everyone loves sensei or b) when showing off her kinkiness (make nozomu wear the ears!). she's really athletic and i think p attractive and i don't think she really has faults apart from the yaoi thing. in terms of background characterization i think she might be one of the most developed of all of them; we know that she was an accident and is living with the weight of two successful siblings under her and all. we even spend an entire episode with her, just her, barely dressed! just us and her in the everyday.

so i think the first part of it is that he didn't want to shame her since to shame her would be to shame himself—she draws doujinshi, he draws gag manga, neither are existentially better really. but then he goes the extra mile to hammer home the point that she is actually sexually viable with the special episode. it's fanservice, but it's unrestricted and mundane fanservice. for the next ten minutes you can see as much of her as you want, and i doubt she really minds (because you're living alongside her and spending your everyday with her, right?).

this is unusual because generally fanservice is something which is exposed, often not consensually, which places the control over sexualizing the character in the (prob male) viewer's hands. alternatively, there's the beach/onsen episode, yet still that cordons sexual possibility off into specific locales, and even then i think it requires viewer activation. here it's framed banally etc etc.

(i think there's an onsen episode gag where the wall between the male/female side breaks down and only nozomu cares)

so her sins are twofold: first, she's a fujoshi, but i think that's mostly a sin of association. but that builds into her second one, which is that her sexuality is an active and independent force which'll go on with or without you, and will attach itself to objects beyond you whether you want it to or not. and i think the possibility of that kind of woman is repulsive to the type of men who do waifus. she's already defiled, and i think if someone is pure before you then in your mind she will be pure after you because she is only yours. otherwise she is never yours?

(it's late i might not buy that logic later) but the point is that this logic is super sexist and covers up the fact that the women who make and consume yaoi are generally pretty normal and they actually have sexualities which manifest in unique ways independent of you and to deny that fact is chou-sexist.

anyway i think the main reason i love harumi and would want to love her forever is because of that whole everyday aspect really. my dream would basically involve skipping everything romantic and her setting up a desk beside mine. we both work alongside each other and maybe cuddle each other every so often and we spend our everydays with each other and it's just nice! i could admire her for her artistic talent and support and encourage her as she keeps improving. i dunno why she would like me. maybe she'd tell me that i did a really great job writing a thousand words about anime characters.
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i don't remember when i first played ffx, but i think i must've been somewhere between 10 and 13 because i knew that rikku (15) was a few years older than me, and i took that to mean that i "must just have a thing for older women."
but she really was my comfort character for a good while. she was the pillow that i hugged, and i wanted to be with her and live with her. and every so often i would develop a crush on another girl i knew, but after that one inevitably faded with nothing to show for it, i'd come back to rikku, and i think it went on like that until i began to out-age her.

i ended up replaying ffx a few years ago and, well… i could see the girl who charmed me back then (and still kinda does), but i can also easily see just how immature she is too. really, everyone in that game is so young… they all are awkwardly trying to step into adult roles that are too big for them to fill, if only because they feel like they have to be a certain kind of person, or because they have some standard that they feel like they have to live up to.

even though i loved her then, i'm not sure if i could love her now that i've grown older. after i finished replaying ffx, i played x-2 to see whether she had developed in the couple years afterward.
…i'm not sure if i really got a clear answer to that, or maybe i received the best answer i could possibly get. perhaps the truth was staring me in the face this whole time: that rikku is rikku is rikku. she's an excitable puppy of a girl who would brighten your days for as long as you can stand it, and then her immaturity would start to wear on you.
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(artwork by kuroimori, source page deleted?)

arima ayumi

throwing in one last one because, even if she likely doesn't have the sticking power to be an actual waifu to me (maybe?), her arc absolutely fried my neural circuitry when i played yu-no this year. though i want to say that i love her independent of the reasons that are the intended appeal of her arc. for me, personally, i love her because she's a scatterbrained wreck thrust into a position of authority that she obviously doesn't want to be in – she can barely keep her own life together, let alone her kid's, let alone an entire company project too – but she sure tries her damnedest anyway. that's relatable to me! i've known more than a few people in my life like that, and i admire them for their persistence. i think that's really the only reason why ayumi makes my heart flutter.
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yeah, the only one

i really hope this thread takes off since there are plenty more that i could talk about, because my heart is pliable and my morals loose. but i think this is a good start for now.
as for your request…
musicvivireal wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:52 pm i REALLY like femme girls that are pursuers/tops and total charmers, yet fun and not stuck up or serious...
i do really like this archetype, and i definitely feel like i've seen girls like this before in media. maybe harumi kinda fits, though she doesn't have a strong person that she desires throughout. yandere types could also maybe fit? though your mileage may vary as to whether you find them to be charming. but outside of those there's uh…
oh no…
is this why i'm so goddamn down bad for amy rose?!
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by Pogckets »

musicvivireal wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:52 pm do you have any characters that you obsess about and would remain with till death do you part?
Yeah, you
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by musicvivireal »

Pogckets wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:17 pm
musicvivireal wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:52 pm do you have any characters that you obsess about and would remain with till death do you part?
Yeah, you
i am on the lookout rn....for a waifu....
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by sinku »

my reflex is to say i dont have one, but, im wrong about myself as usual..

i never felt particularly obsessed with any characters. it seemed to be a weird thing to obsess about! cuz it struck me as a thing ppl on the boards i didnt frequent would do. but, I thought really hard and was like "yeah, of course" when it hit me how much I could talk about a few of them. so like, to start with archetypes, i think MGS3 EVA (as tatyana) gave me a permament thing for sharp eyed blonde and/or glasses women. edelgard from planetes, ritsuko from evangelion, doc from texhnolyze.

i love koyomi araragi from monogatari, his whole obnoxious selfish perverse ignorant self. i like the dynamic he has with every character and every weird or stupid impulsive thing he does that brings hell down on himself. and things like his stupid car and hair in hanamonogatari lol. i think on a rewatch id find even more to talk about than these broad strokes. hes definitely waifu material
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by JennyDog »

When I was a little kid growing up, I had a thing for Hannah from Neopets. In retrospect I think I just liked her doing her adventure stuff but doing it with an almost tradwife long skirt, a lot of the images from the wiki are super low resolution.

I'm not sure I really have waifu's/husbandos otherwise, maybe characters whose style I like or whom has an interesting dynamic with someone else.

In terms of characters in media I've found attractive, the last two that comes to mind are Chris Pratt in Jurassic world and Jason Isaac as Zhukov in The Death of Stalin, which are both very much not the kind of guy I think I'd find attractive in real life, but I guess I have a thing for two specific buff asshole guys with belligerent senses of humor. It is basically the whole reason I remember Jurassic world.

(edit) Oh and Dante from DMC, unironically Dante is someone I remember being thirsty about, but not a ride or dye type character.
Last edited by JennyDog on Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by maru »

It's amazing how much thought this thread has produced. @sinku and I have been bantering for days like "what is a waifu? When is someone your waifu?" Like, my love of characters is rooted in seeing how they interact with one another. Or they're aspirational because they have qualities I simply lack. I don't know if I've ever inserted myself in there, because I historically was a shadow behind the mirror, and now feel like enough of a character in my own right that I would feel alienated by my own dynamic with these characters being something to inspect.

I'll think some more and make a nice list with pictures later...
sinku wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:14 pm i love koyomi araragi from monogatari, his whole obnoxious selfish perverse ignorant self. i like the dynamic he has with every character and every weird or stupid impulsive thing he does that brings hell down on himself. and things like his stupid car and hair in hanamonogatari lol. i think on a rewatch id find even more to talk about than these broad strokes. hes definitely waifu material
<monogatari spoilers i mean not really but probably>
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by sinku »

maru wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:36 pm I know I wouldn't stand a chance.
:cry: :cry: idk if i would either, i dunno if i could match his freak
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Re: Waifu/husbando exchange thread

Post by JennyDog »

maru wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:36 pm [...] Or they're aspirational because they have qualities I simply lack. I don't know if I've ever inserted myself in there, because I historically was a shadow behind the mirror, and now feel like enough of a character in my own right that I would feel alienated by my own dynamic with these characters being something to inspect. [...]
Maybe this is not the thread to get into it, but how do you mean "a shadow behind the mirror, and now like enough of a character in your own right?" I recall you saying something similar when we were discussing music and there was a song that was unusual for a band about being inside the skin, was that related?

I'm curious because I worry sometimes that I don't have a personality and am simply an extension of trends and social dynamics, enough so that it's sort of become a until-now unstated reason for why I want to get away from more infinitely scroll-able social media because I want to find out what is actually inside my own sense of self (I think this is also overthinking and frankly hyper introspection at times too haha).

Wrt: aspiration, a lot of characters aspirational traits mostly feel kind of adrift from my life because they make sense in context of a fictional setting and a lot of the media I like is high context enough to be distinct.

I think a character whose stuck with me is Songbird from Southern Reach trilogy, although the why is a bit of spoiler -- I find her introspection fascinating and perhaps a bit aspirational, although she's defined a lot by how the rest of her life is an open mysterious blur. Maybe it's a character I appreciate?

but I don't know, I don't imagine myself really co-existing around these characters, and if I do day dream myself interacting with characters its normally ones I've made up, either anodyne life stuff or my own dumb high concept things (but some of those high concept things tend to be strongly tied to their own setting, I guess some level of lore consistency is appealing to me?)
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