Rules sections

Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Paralogue Manifesto

    1. Paralogue is a place for the artistically-inclined to cultivate the creative flame we hold within ourselves through the fostering of mutual connections. It's a community that embraces each member's unique vision and treasures the contribution it brings to the whole. It's an environment that doesn't discriminate against one's medium of choice, nor one's tastes and genre preferences, nor one's level of industry involvement. All that's required is the flame.

      Here, we desire…

      …to share that which fascinates us, to share that which enraptures us, to share that which sticks in the back of our minds.
      …to find beauty in places where nobody is looking, to find beauty in places that others refuse to acknowledge.
      …to reveal our daydreams and projects and to nurture their development as they're slowly grafted into reality.

      And perhaps, with all our efforts, we can prevent that rare and gentle flame inside each of us from being snuffed out. #